* traditionalism is a desire for past novelty loved ones and zeroes if i could go back in time and talk to my eighteen year old self i would tell him to go forward in time and ask what my current self would say to him; or i would tell him to go back in time and ask what our eight year old self would say about going back in time to the womb i never learned helplessness magical realism is existence fanfiction my longing falls short words ending in ize and izing and ization are lowbrow one significant difference between humans and ai is that humans say stupid nonsense unprompted. please do not mistake this as an endorsement of ai (or humans) some cultures never even invented the will the big problem of all esoterism is that it seeks enlightenment for its own sake. light is meant to illuminate something else, and without this something else is of no use. love, creation, exploration, these are purposes. enlightenment is only a means. this is why there so many perpetual seekers and so few finders. you can go sideways in time today i typed up a bunch of worthless nonsense. i know it was worthless nonsense because the computer had a fit and i lost it all. i trust the wisdom of randomness. so now no one will ever know my thoughts on racial evolutionary paths. i probably will smoke less in heaven the original meaning of the word egregore is literally 'woke' retreating into the outer world, where no one has ever been massaging your neck of the woods trying to find fellow members of the pre incarnate secret society so we can complete our mission it is absurd that modern english transliterations of chinese mostly fail to consider the aesthetic qualities of the alphabet and propose transliterations based on sound alone when the english language is so anarchic in its own relation between script and sound. first of all, it is always an approximation, and thus what can be conveyed through sound alone in one alphabet, may have to be conveyed visually in another. furthermore, while all written languages contain an aesthetic element to the symbols themselves, how much more so must this be considered when transliterating from the incredibly complex visual nature of chinese characters, thus respecting literary aesthetics. it is obvious to the eye, if not the ear, that while it is pronounced Dao, or something close to it, it should be written Tao. how much more aesthetically powerful is that T than the rounded softness of the D. the T recalls those famous arches of the far east, with which the word is related, where as the D recalls nothing. similar cases of aesthetic horror are Jing instead of Ching, Chi instead of Qi, or Zi instead of Tzu. just look at it. I Jing, Chi, Lao Zi, Dao - versus - I Ching, Qi, Lao Tzu, Tao - how much more aesthetically eloquent. when i want to look back fondly i do it through the rearviewmirror because things appear closer than they are i've been feeling very alive, and it's because i remind myself that i am it's important to stretch the muscles in your face, especially the mouth, to conduct stagnant energy in your soul into your body. kissing is the best one of all of course. either it's all connected, or it's all one we were happy, and the government knew nothing about it all art is separation, either in act or in intelligence ideas not only come from somewhere, but need to go somewhere and are meant to go somewhere. like letters, they are addressed to specific people. indeed, it may be the case that the addressee of all one's output is a single individual. this is why i put stuff out there, anyway.