* beauty is the best, envy is the worst God is beyond inhuman comprehension creation is half wheat and half bread the satanic plan is both to remove all barriers to entry and to prevent all possibility of escape livestock blocking traffic gives me hope smoking is a breathing exercise, for both you and the plant saving the appearances so i can spend them later it is strange that with so many easily accessible tools for exercising and promoting one's arts, the true indie spirit that existed in some form since, at least, the printing press and until the early years of the internet, dwindled into nothingness now. 'alternatives' have converged into the stale models of the totalitarian satanic machine. and the 'dissidents' can do nothing about it from their side. they produce nothing that moves, not as a group. as a group they are little more than a political movement, and one with little artistic value. something truly personal and expansive is now rare. ai is going to leave only the weirdos and the freaks, the unassimilable to the machine, and that's the silver lining you have to embody the 'you can just do things' mindset my doomsday clock is my intuition. it's fifteen years past or so at this point. the world may have ended some years ago but that's no reason to stop doing things the end of history is the beginning of myth my self is the I of the storm if you spend too much time on the internet you start to be disgusted at the state of the world. whereas i am disgusted before i even log in. we are not the same. it's not only or even mostly self-expression, it's through-self expression. am i the only one who refuses to read screenshots of 'conversations' with ai the wind is a man, the rain a woman, the sun and the sky by day are a man, the moon and the night sky, a woman. storms are their intercourse. my best work is still ahead of me, is an encouraging way to frame my failures heaven is a gated community if you have devotion for even one member of the heavenly family, that is more than enough to carry you it's important to stand out from the crowd especially when you're alone. if you've stepped away from the herd enough, be careful not to turn back and follow it from afar, so that it appears you are still going your own way they call it deep seek because they're deeply sick the original chinese character for Heaven is a picture of a man. then the scholars began to lie.
“am i the only one who refuses to read screenshots of 'conversations' with ai”
No, there are at least two of us