* have you ever done something for fun? that's what an illusion is, etymosophically speaking. a labor of love. yet another word neutered and defanged in support of meaninglessness. by preparing sourdough starter you are literally making a primordial soup for the spirits of rising to incarnate into. my wife makes the bread. i elaborate on the cosmology implied in bread making. domestic division of labor. i am not cut out to be rich. you are constantly surrounded by so many people. it looks very tiresome. religious doctrine, theology, dogma. sometimes pointing at the moon, sometimes giving her the middle finger. never stop thinking. simply put yourself in situations where thinking becomes intuition of when to let go, and when to resume. the little death that is the renewal of thought is like sleep. it requires the appropriate setting. at some point one must ask why the lack of wine was of so much interest to Mary and how she had authority over the servants to tell them to do what Jesus told them to. the flood saved humanity winter flies are psychic spies i wonder if following a thirteen month calendar would change me even the highest god in the highest heaven has to live by yin and yang, the cross, the foundational pattern. that pattern is not a god, nor The God, and it is not to be worshiped. all worship is ancestor worship if you can see beyond this world and this life, even if only for a moment, you are well ahead of most God approached me and said, Excuse me I thought you were somebody else you want because you lack, i want because i desire. are we not the same. i taught myself how to learn. i was an awful teacher and an awful student. i love my wife, greenery, words, smoking, cats. an easy way to motivate yourself is to consciously remember things you love and affirm that love again. sometimes the only words i can remember are anomic aphasia to those who believe in coincidences we say: learn your etymology. to do without the beauty of error, of imperfection, of spontaneity is death the veil is a barrier that hides and protects the mystery. yet unlike a wall, it is slippery, and can be removed rather easily, most appropriately through seduction. you can play ten thousand different games with the spirits of the ten thousand things. all you need is imagination. and you will have more fun and more depth than talking with the stupid spirits of complex machines. man's passion for systems is a form of homosexuality you can make your own festivals if you're festive enough have you tried being childlike about it the medium is the message, except for ai, in which it is the messenger. frightening, really. i repent every corporate training slave morality is still better than slave immorality, and simply abolishing that morality does not free men make.
Your dance with words is truly an art form