* i am interested in the original meaning of words for the same reason i am interested in nature in its original meaning whenever i've tried plotting (in art or in life) it never works. whereas letting things flow does. nothing good i have or have done has come from conscious effort. it's all wu wei. you have to find what works, and go with it. for some it's planning. for others it's the opposite. i've seen plenty of people say about this guy or that, that they cannot be the antichrist because tradition says that the antichrist will be very attractive and intelligent and so on. but you have to understand, the ancients had no idea how low most people's conception of those things would go. so it's quite possible that some pathetic and disgusting tech nerd will be the antichrist, is what i'm saying. if the antichrist had appeared two hundred years ago it would have been a different story. but people nowadays have no standards. just look at the saviors they believe in. they'll take anyone. no god made you this or that way. he gave you an opportunity to choose the good in you and reject the bad. he's not responsible for your nature, nor for your choice. stop blaming him. my aim is to be one of the grapes (those that get crushed to make red wine) Lao Tzu says the value of a cup is in the empty space. it's like my books. the value is in the white parts of the page. perhaps the most offensive thing about ai is how boring all of it is. the second most offensive thing about ai is how no one seems to notice how boring all of it is. my wife and i went to the movies once, in 2007, shortly after we started dating. and never again. we're proud of this, except for the part where we went to see the movie. i'm closer to death today than i was yesterday and that's ok i don't believe the moon landing for linguistic reasons i don't even like apples all that much, but if it keeps doctors away from me i'll eat a bunch of them gladly. i do wonder if there is any fruit that will keep government bureaucrats away. that would be useful, and i would eat them no matter how disgusting. be grateful for all the bad examples i am not easily impressed, but the fact that so many supposedly spiritual people took to ai crap so easily without any resistance whatsoever is impressive. not good, but impressive. nominal spirituality is no guarantee of anything. give me a discerning atheist any day instead. of course, there aren't many discerning atheists out there either. mythical creatures, most likely. the antichrist himself is confused by how easy it is to fool people. he looks at the charts and wonders if he's reading them right. has some middle manager demons confirm he is, in fact. oh well, full steam ahead. if you are responsible and conscientious, sooner or later you will be punished in this world. that is no reason to stop, nor to feel pity for yourself. it is what it is. the most important thing for your spiritual health is to hold no grudges no matter what. they are chains that bind you to hell and that won't let you overcome the world. christianity is all about oil futures, etymologically speaking the ancient chinese said that the faintest ink is better than the best memory, and we must now update that wisdom to say that the faintest memory is better than the most stable computer code. i'm ok with not fulfilling my potential, mostly because fulfilling is a redundant word. i'll just fill it, that's enough, it will be full already. pull your head out of the sand and dip it in the water if a god could make a man from scratch he would most definitely not make me there's a charm and even a certain honor to idiocy, but imbecility is simply sad. etymologically speaking, an imbecile is a man without a staff, in case you didn't know. it's said that mystics fall in love with life every day. cynics do too, but they don't go around telling people because it's nobody else's business how will do you anything strange and interesting if you go about it in the same way as everyone else. you won't. so don't. my intuition is that if you ask a serious question of ai, it basically guarantees you will never know the real answer laeth is never late, nor is he early, because he never goes anywhere find what you love and then hide it from the government a chainsaw is more powerful than the tree it cuts, therefore it is more worthy - the basic premise of classical theology my favorite time in history is nine thirty pm strong gut thick skin sharp teeth you win talent started as money, became ethereal potential. credit started as belief, became usury. words. thinking of what our borderless world means for poor border collies. they probably will become mutts. my assessment of humanity is either very high or very low, depending on who we're including i'm ghostly but not churchy i hate bridges. i trust the Lord's judgement that those who cannot swim or walk on water or build arks should perish i have to go big cause i'm already home. i'll go small and stay home, actually small things made big are terrifying, big things made small are cute. big lesson (make it small) my gut may be smarter than my head, but it's not as hungry every day is women's day unless you're ghey and every night is women's night if you're not a sodomite (and they say i can't write poetry) the closer someone gets to the truth, the less people there will be. this is one of the reasons i try to get as close to it as possible everyone is arrogant about the beliefs they take seriously real women are bossy and real men unbossable those who repeat famous cliches are doomed to fail to learn history it was the best end times, it was the worst end times the apocalypse is the strip tease of the truth, etymologically speaking love your neighborhood as your selfhood my stance is the happen kind when you ask someone to pray for you, you are in fact praying to them (not saying it's a bad thing, on the contrary) everything is going according to improvisation 'in a different era, this man would be this, and that woman would do that' is a tell for me of someone who has not thought through his metaphysics (yes, vulgar reincarnationists are included). i don't mean their sociopolitics (though that too), i mean metaphysics. the quality of time affects spirit, soul and body, and existence now at all those levels is qualitatively different from even a century ago. so people living now simply could not exist before. this is related to the popularity of 'eastern spiritualities' and all the absurdities related to oneness, 'illusion' and timelessness. people buy this unconsciously and unthinkingly much like they buy, say, evolutionism or, alternatively, traditionalism. and for the same reason. the reason is that it's easier to acquire a device that gives you all the answers already packaged. blind adherence to dogma is not unrelated to the popularity of ai. the same drive is at play. anything to avoid thinking. an argument could be made, but it's so much better when it's grown i don't know about other authors but all the characters in my stories are me, especially the women i like puzzles. not solving them, but cutting up a picture into uneven pieces. you reap what you sow, but i also sow what i reap, because i like to save seeds the thing about losers is they have nothing to lose ai makes incredible images. i mean that etymologically, as in, not credible. if you think the world is disenchanted, chant to it. you can, and should, nurture nature. but nurture you can only denature. thus is shown which one is more fundamental.