There are two kinds of people in this world. Avoid them both. ~ Schopenhauer
(this is a laethism before there was a laeth. just kidding, i whispered this into schoppy's ear from the spirit world.
not every seed wants to sprout, but you won't know unless you plant them
rot in hell some will, yet never all the way through
if the goal is to save you from mindless work, it is not that bad to use ai. it's really bad when people use it for important things, like fun.
i'm the best writer of this degeneration
the world is rising apart
just planted a bunch of tree seeds. asked them if they would like to grow. now we wait for the answer.
soon people won't be able to trust anything they see or hear on the internet because of ai. wait, what am i saying, of course they will be able to. and they will. they shouldn't, but they will.
you've heard of self moved movers, but have you heard of self shaken shakers
some of you will live to see manmade comprehension beyond human horrors
i looked at the sky last night. i wished i could understand it. the trees told me, Don't be sad, you're one of us, and we belong down here.
my etymosophy take on the word epiousion, found in the Lord's Prayer, is that it means 'bread of our higher self'. and just as an aside 'super substantial' is absurd. it's either super or sub. super essential, ok, though a little dry. gotta put that bread in the toaster.
if it's every once in a while it's at least twice
good artists copy, great artists paste
i call it degenerative ai
gasping at final straws that healed the camel's front
-fication or -faction instead of -ization, please, for the love of all gods put together.
misuse of words ending in -logy (rampant) is a violation of Logos (antichrist behavior)
my books are great to level pianos. they are all sturdy but of varying thicknesses.
the kindness of strangers depends on the kind of strangers
potatoes. i dig them.
every academic is a sort of Pilate, asking what is truth, but not really because they want to know the answer.
to have self confidence all you have to do is confide in yourself
my jokes may be getting old, but you must respect the elderly
ai is a broken mirror. it reflects just enough to give you seventy times seven years of bad luck.
the soil is dark but the roots are white. when the soil is white, it is dead. when the roots are dark, they are rotting.
i never get to try my best, it always takes a plea bargain
the garden of eden had no weeds, because Adam did not pull them out
asking people to stop reacting to the news is like asking a dog to stop barking when the doorbell rings
the god didn't drop the ball, which is why it's now on your court
i think old style war won't happen. i might but wrong but since we have been at war for decades, and losing, i think it's unlikely. what would be the point, really, when the kind of war they have been waging ensures a much deeper victory. at the same time, they are quite stupid.
as things stand, i better sit. or maybe run.
politics was always a shitshow. now it's also a shit show. why are you watching it. stop.
the calendar is the only dating app
no one today would be anyone in the past, that's why they're here now and not then
what is innate
no god can destroy
nor create
reminder that discrimination and discernment are the exact same word, etymologically
going to start using Lord more than God because Lord means guardian of bread
Jesus did not crucify himself. seems important
the impersonal is always more powerful than the personal. whether this is sufficient reason to think it superior and more worthy, each alone must decide for himself.
a vitamin is the secret of life, etymologically
whatever you do, don't read this aphorism