* books are most dangerous when they're true, and their danger is exponential when they're understood i hate machines, but the corruption and degeneration of the human form and flesh is much creepier to me than its mechanical imitation. birth is the last stage of death, death the first stage of birth no man can step into the same river twice. now, diving, is another matter. the most efficient way to grasp an idea is with your hands i'm very excited by the prospect of not watching a single frame of that new movie. yes, that one, and that one too. when i have some bureaucracy to deal with in the afternoon, i can do nothing creative in the morning. it's like a vacuum of energy from the future. a vacuum, yes, because it sucks. i have bicyclical view of the world. lots of pedalling. misery loves companies, especially if they're multinational Three is Not a Crowd: A Treatise on Trinitarian Theology that flavor of christianity that is all about how unworthy and wretched one is does not appeal to me. and i don't think it helps anyone here and now. all it does is sap energy and creativity, directing it towards the promotion of self pity. i also don't see what it has to do with Jesus. for God's sake (the japanese drink) i did nothing all day. now i have a bunch of nothing to undo. but i'll leave it for tomorrow. saw at the store an energy drink brand called hell. i wouldn't drink it even if it was called heaven, but cmon. every time i'm verified as human on some website, i feel my humanity diminish i think everyone with a soul intuitively knows what heaven is, and what it will be like (and it's not what most theologians say of course). a much harder question is what this life is about. it also seems obvious to me that the incarnation of Yahweh is about the importance of the flesh, the earth and this life to the next. it's now impossible to search for an image of Mary or Jesus because of AI. everyone involved in this is going to hell and (i'm pretty sure) is beyond salvation. it took me quite a while to understand (really understand, not with my mind, but with my hand) that when drawing you should start from straight lines and only then go for curves, which are much harder. but anyway, this is why women are more perfect and beautiful than men. there's a reason why Adam was made first and Eve second, in other words. when i'm online, i'm online. when i'm not, i'm not. i think that's the way towards a good experience. that and ignoring stupidity relentlessly. social distancing might not be the solution, but antisocial proximity is many times the problem nervous system of a downer - who's gonna play in this band with me every artist is an escape artist. the others are mere entryists. autism is over, selfism is in false hope is the deepest form of despair there's a mental wealth crisis in the long run i'll walk sharpening my machete the weeds will know what hit them but it will be too late Wagner wanted to make the complete work of art and my aim is similar but with plants somehow. just had a profound intuition about the flood and human groups but i can't say it so just meet me halfway in the psychic realm if you want to know the new world is not very brave at all many people don't like storytelling where the fourth wall is broken. but the gods do it all the time, so why shouldn't i. i find it quite remarkable how the bible actually agrees with me on everything. but i am not one to brag. the goal of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is conspiracy i have this thing of burying potatoes whenever i dig a hole. so it's not unusual to find them growing wherever. just now i was looking at a patch of weeds and thinking that i might have put a potato there at some point. as soon as i thought it, i saw it. attention is directional. as my mind focused on the idea of a potato plant, the eyes were able to see through the weedy mess and identify the particular plant the mind was focusing on. my favorite time this happened was going to a wooded area and finding free growing potatoes that i put there maybe a year before. you can just do things. the english language is the will of the God for european synthesis those without souls never get psyched