* God does not play favorites, he's serious about it fates don't care about your feelings ahriman and sorath are in a sodomitical relationship hate to say i told you so and so Jehovah's witnesses have none of Jehovah's wit, i find the spirit blows where it's wanted we can understand the pros and cons and purposes of incarnation by meditating on the difference between a story transmitted orally versus one written down. remember those first AI images from deep dream that looked like diabolic hallucinations. that was not too long ago. they have learned to hide it better, but that's still the reality behind them. divine and conquer there are no hard truths, only weak stomachs Jezeus, Yahwotan the world got tired of taking turns for the worse, and so decided to go straight ahead for the worst. one plus three equals four. fourth world. mind your numbers. and yes, it's worse. i saw the future, but luckily he didn't see me. i was not looking forward to talking to him. i went to a progressive elementary school. they had this system where you chose when to do your assignments. i spent the week drawing and did them always on friday afternoon. born ungovernable. at one point they tried to bribe us, so that if you finished them by thursday, they would take us to the botanical garden on friday. i went twice, then returned to my routine, which was now even better because i was the only one left behind. quebecois jazz rock from the seventies (Sloche, Maneige) is very cozy. a mix of french, american and brit vibes. the milk has no lactose, the coffee no caffeine. the meat is plant based, the vegetables hydroponicly raised. vapes instead of cigarettes, work out in the gym, sex only on the screen. everything's fake but at least it's safe. they hate us cause they're heinous the builders of the tower of babel are also traditionalists. traditionalism is an arranged marriage. no doubt it works for most. but some of us need to fall in love. 'it's all God' is not meaningfully different from 'it's all chemicals'. one aspect that every single thing shares is that it's not for everyone