* consider that incarnate life on earth may, for some, be their hell, and for others, their paradise. though for most, i think, it's a middle place. and lest oneness minded individuals feel inclined to read this through their opaque spectacles, i mean it in the most sequential way possible. history keeps saying, I don't repeat myself, I don't repeat myself, unaware of the irony and i'm too much of a gentlemen to point it out to such an old and tired lady etymologically speaking, weak means prone to bending, and thus is the precise opposite of brittle, which means prone to breaking. if you believe, as i believe, that there is an original language, and that our own languages are faint echoes of it, some fainter than others of course, then you cannot ignore etymology. a little cynicism and scepticism for academics in the field, however, is key. i couldn't find the god of the philosophers, it's all over the place dying my best death on the internet, but not of it delightfully delighted dilettant an amatory and amorous amateur time was completely different twenty years ago, and how much more in the nineteenth century, and in thirty three AD, or before the Flood - or when the woman you love looks at you in a certain way. philosophers have no idea. they speak of timelessness because they have no imagination. the path is straight and narrow as a tightrope so we can learn some balance under pressure. a god is a heavenly acrobat. be a fisher of men, or else a fish i'm trying to write from the perspective of a dog, but it's hard cause i'm not a good boy to begin with, we must be prepared to end without we've been married for about three aeons and a handful of eternities. i never make things happen, i'm a gentleman etymologically speaking, studying is a form of violence, while learning is a form of seduction. you can try with all your might, or make do with all your weakness eventually all the little critters that make up our earthly bodies fall out of love with us and we die a woman is fine art and rough science a romantic, yes, but i do not care for rome. i say to my wife: writing takes a lot out of you, now imagine what it does to me. the fate of everything is in your hands, and it's all fun and games i held up a mirror to society and it broke into seventy times seven years of bad luck beyond the veil there's flesh. need to smoke a cigarette about this and that and the other don't be anonymous, be unnameable God's spell is the Word she's not my partner, she's my wholener