* we were all there in the beginning, but not everyone was paying attention. i weep for the disappearance of opium dens. we still had a chance back then. i alone have a perfect balance between reason and emotion. then my wife comes in and it's gone. thank God. only the dead can be raised to eternal life before God gave us our bodies we lived in the land of the blind. we were helpless spirits, groping in the light, a light so strong we couldn't see anything. and then, we called to God, the master of light and dark, and God gave us our eyes, and darkness to see with them. a god that doesn't get angry when there's reason for anger is not a god i would worship. before the Fall, neither Adam nor Eve wore shoes inside the house someone please write something on the relation between impressionism and the evolution of consciousness. i don't do essays anymore. thank you. portugal is not that bad. the portuguese are quite another matter. i've been told this can be said, with equal truth, about every country. but i doubt it. i'm going to start using the names of musical genres to label metaphysical positions. they are intuitively descriptive. jazz metaphysics, folk metaphysics, rap metaphysics, grunge metaphysics, barbershop quartet metaphysics, etc. i'm jazz grunge, metaphysically speaking. rap metaphysics is neoplatonism: lots of barely understandable talk meaning nothing. the melody is one single endless note and the beat is equally repetitive. the zombie apocalypse seems to be the most accurate prediction of the future, regardless of what political schemes are erected on top of it, the antichrist will not be an ideologue. one of the reasons God gave us bodies was so that we could know the meaning of rest. smoke never rests anywhere, it moves or it dissipates, and such is the disembodied spirit. you need solidity and heaviness to rest. a rock, for example, is almost only rest. everything that exists is, in one way or another, intelligent. except for a large group of humans. the problem, really, is not the bad. it's that people think it's good. the future will already have happened maybe it's a sin for me to have this opinion, but i think it's better to be an evil genius than an evil midwit or an evil retard. let the dead bury the dead, let the living resurrect the living americans are weird. why would they have a clinic for mayo? just don't eat it if it smells bad. i object to being described as a citizen and i'm unconcerned. it takes a child to raise a village everything is supernatural. but only a few things are natural. nature is an exclusive club. this is how the world ends, not with a banger, but a wimp. remember when you were watching some nature show or history show or a movie and then suddenly it stops and there's a man saying we interrupt this program to bring you breaking news or something. social media is like that, except all the time, and everything is news, and everything is breaking. the art of letting things happen cannot be taught. he was not in on the joke. so he was all in on the joke. walked up to my fate to ask the time. he didn't have it. i was late. you have to ask your shadow kindly to get out of the way if you want to keep your back to the sun the Christ is still waiting for an apology from christian apologists civilizations rose and then fell, empires were built and then destroyed, cultures flourished and then shriveled. world wide floods and world wide droughts, worldwide fires and world wide freezes unmade and remade the earth a thousand times. and it was only nine forty five in the morning. go straight to the best, or take a turn for the worse he was content to the end of his days, and anguished to the end of his nights. at twilight he was so so.
I'm a Yank myself and while I had heard of these "mayo clinics", I didn't know what they were.
I looked it up, it's actually not American, it's something they do in Minnesota.
We had a ketchup clinic, but the wait times were so long.