* to read you need a light. a book is of no use in the dark. your sacred geometry is immeasurable ~ old pythagorean pick up line the world was her oyster, but oysters grossed her out the disciple asked, what must i do to be saved the master replied, don't resurrection turns the self into a mobius strip i dislike the apocryphal infancy gospels that portray Jesus as a superhero baby. to me, that removes too much of his greatness. i found Jesus in the church, trying to escape. Tom adds: surprised he was allowed in there in the first place. when life gives you lemons, you still have to break some eggs to make an omelette the zombie scares and horrifies me more than the vampire. procrastination has its benefits. sometimes it's better to pull the trigger once at the right time, rather than empty the gun at the first opportunity. when i got out of the closed maze of classical metaphysics, by climbing the fence of course, all the difficulties of explaining the appearances disappeared. ~ with the help of John Bruce Leonard. all doctrines of oneness are incoherent in light of the fruits from the trees we can judge. the strategy, as old as time of course, is to ignore the fruits. there are many paths up the mountain. and many mountains. and valleys, and rivers and lakes and seas, and cliffs. it's a wild heaven out there. one can have all the answers, but only by asking all the questions any good earthly father would be preoccupied if his child just stood in awe of him or singing his praises for more than five minutes. he would pat the child on the head to see if the boy or girl was ok. sure, there is a big difference between even an excellent earthly father and the perfect, heavenly one. so, accounting for that vast chasm, i would imagine the heavenly father becoming worried, and slightly annoyed, at minute two. strange and interesting characters don't get written into the story anymore, so i enjoyed the unexpected appearance of the turkish collateral hitman at the olympics. reminds me of the old world, i mean the nineties. not many understand just how much and how many children were sacrificed on the altar of professional sport i will always be a twentieth century man. i know i am a product of this century, but i don't feel at home in it. i'm a partisan of solar scriptura. you know what, no. lunar scriptura it is. same content, no harsh light on the eyes. do not fight back, fight forward