* to be special is to be the sole member of a single species, or the originator of a new one. neither exoteric nor esoteric, but the intercourse between the two. sexoteric, if you will. there's something inherently erotic about the apocalypse. the strip tease of all illusions. what most philosophers call personality is in fact what they call individuality, and vice versa. that is if words mean anything. i say they do. i'm pretty sure this is a battle i will lose, but the truth is more important than winning disregard for etymology is a form of dishonoring father and mother. a sin. God could never win if there was no chance of losing you can't send your best, they have to go by themselves i believe the claim that diabolic possession has become rare, but only because there is very little left to possess chosen caesarean births must really dampen astrological insight another thing that confirms my pessimism: by far the most widespread argument, if it can be called that, against AI generation of text, image or sound, is based on plagiarism and copyright. so weak, so lame, so stupid. just another day of the end of days ai generators can already copy good music and good painting. even if stale, it's a good copy. but i haven't seen one example of good writing done through these generators. there seems to be a spiritual quality to language and its use that eludes the machine completely. the properly pessimistic position is not that the machine will be able to mimic it eventually, but rather that it won't have to, because there won't be anyone who cares or even knows what human language is. a weirdo like me could only be married to a weirdo like her. fate alone wouldn't have been enough. luck was smiling too. because although i am a rare character, my wife is a hundred times rarer. to tell a decent story, you have to ignore the existence of the smartphone. i want to call a travel agency from a phone booth after finding their number on the yellow pages looking on the bright side for once, i think that since twenty fourteen, one no longer has to choose between being horrified or stupefied, now one can look around and be both at the same time, all the time. finally, we can have our horror and our stupidity in the same package. in every. single. package.