* head first, then second guessing, but third time's the charm. if you think everything's fine, you ought to get in more. there are many reasons to praise God, but most often i praise his aesthetic sensibility and sense of humor. every day i have less patience for the double talk of philosophers. their disregard for the meanings of words both offends me and bores me. everyone has a chance, but only some have a fate. to dot every i and cross every t abolishes it. Aquinas had a revelation and came to regard all his work as mere straw, refusing to write more. God probably showed him the future with all its thomists. i never once wanted to go back to not knowing. worldly is bad, but otherworldly is good. grass is always greener theology. conventional christians like to compare mormons to muslims, and it is amusing because, polygamy aside (which is mostly a fake issue), mormons are the only christians who are not spiritually muslims. wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, said Jesus. luckily, there's always at least me, myself and i, body, spirit and soul. the purpose of a single housefly is bigger than that of any day job if one is to make a distinction between the artist and the craftsman, it is that the first has awakened to his own self, while the other still lives from his culture, his tradition, his surroundings. as such, one could say Jesus of Nazareth was the first modern artist. i'm lazy so i'm only interested in that yoke that is easy and that burden that is light. i don't want to be part of any group that would accept members. as for those who do not accept members, i don't want to be part of them either. i think that people who have a problem with the idea of God needing us, instead of just us needing God, probably have some weird personal relations. needing someone is nothing to be ashamed of, and someone needing us doesn't mean we're going to be dicks about it. 'aha, God needs me too? what a loser! i will exploit this!'. no one person can be the source of all reality. so if what you call God is the former, he can't be the latter. and if he is the latter he can't be the former. but if he's not the former, the word God is really inappropriate. a linguistic sin, in fact. to avoid obvious conclusions is one of the most important tasks of the christian theologian to convince a philosopher that he exists is difficult, and yet it is rather easy in comparison to the herculean task of convincing him that he is a person. the True Church, capital letters and all, exists, and is one, and is united by a single grace, that of not being legally recognized by any government.
Love the painting :P