* only in an inverted world are artists right wing. i'm tired of it but there's little choice. cats have nine lives. other animals have more. but the maximum is seventy times seven. if you're reckless, you won't be wreckless. in my thirties, i have the wisdom of a much younger eternal being. i smoke too much because i can't get enough fed up with the news? i suggest a fast landlord drove by and i was out so we talked a bit. he was impressed by our garden, given we're city folk. i explained to him that the secret is to do almost nothing. that's not all there is to it of course: there also needs to be a certain abandon when doing the almost nothing. Mother Nature may be a virgin but she is not a hothouse flower. either way, he didn't believe me. the sin against the holy spirit is to be something you're not, because then your spirit will never be holy, which it is meant to be. (~ with the help of Naida) deep etymosophy on this one: bureau comes from a word meaning shaggy garment. so in a way the seed of bureaucracy was the expulsion from paradise, after which we kept adding layers. makes sense, but bums me out. we've moved from an Orwellian and Kafkaesque reality, to a Kafkian and Orwellesque one. i for one embrace the change of pace. when i was a spirit, i spoke as a spirit, i understood as a spirit, i thought as a spirit; but when i became a man in the flesh, i put on childlike things. for then i didn't see at all, not even in a mirror, dimly. now i know in part, which is the precursor to know in full. the decay and degeneration of the whole West saddens me greatly, but that of England above all others. probably blasphemy for some, but i don't like most of Blake's paintings. sometimes one must decide to live with indecision. or else remain undecided about all the decisions one is forced to make. pride cometh before the fall, and leaveth just after winter. the idea of humanity is the enemy of every human. traditionalists will still be ranting and raving against humanism as the very last glimpses of the image of God are wiped from the face of the earth. transhumanism is impossible without an accompanying subhumanism. unfortunately, only the enemies of God seem to understand this. everyone else seems to be in denial about one or the other. it always struck me as strange that the lesson christian theologians took from the incarnation was that the human was lowly and we must transcend it to become god, rather than the human being the height of godhood that we should aim to rise to. my principles are only those that, before incarnating, every well-unborn person considered sane and normal. live faithfully, hopefully and charitably. but the greatest of these is charitably, hopefully. faithfully, Laeth.