* a man should put his woman in her place: the pedestal of his heart. i am an enemy of academia, but i wouldn't want to abolish it. there are a lot of stupid and corrupt people and they should have a place to hangout away from me. similarly, i wouldn't want to abolish church. there are a lot of virtuous people and they should have a place to hangout away from me. other than the skull, the hardest part of a christian is the resurrection body. God is the sauce of everything. the point of life is sharp, but many work hard to make it dull. my opinions are neither objective nor subjective, but superjective. there is nothing to figure out, only to word in. slowly, with the help of Jesus, i am regaining my childlike catastrophism. we have always been past the point of no eternal return. my alter egotism is sacrificed in my altar ego. actions are plebeian, words are aristocratic. this is what they mean by the first speaking louder than the second. etymologically speaking, it is better to be an adolescent than an adult (unless you are a nondualist). they both smell, however. don't be mean, be extreme. though impossible to quantify, i shall attempt it: every minute spent on bureaucracy, business, travelling or other equivalent stupid things one must do to be a citizen, requires a day of recovery from their soul crushing effect so that i am capable of doing something creative. it's because one must be human to create, and there are few things more dehumanizing than being a citizen. the tourist is the satanic parody of the pilgrim. burning desire to cook, light , heat and make some biochar. philosophers and other bores love infiniteness cause you never hear the end of it. stories are troublesome to philosophers because they have a beginning and an ending. they are the original 'content creators', the original endless sequel and prequel makers, the inventors of endless scrolling. the most troublesome words for a philosopher are 'in the beginning' and 'it is finished'. no wonder they all flee from the bible like a christian bureaucracy from the words of Jesus. industrialism is a weapon of mass construction. if the Lord of the Rings teaches us anything is that Europe had tobacco and potatoes way before Columbus. i returned and i saw that there was nothing cool under the sun so i rested in the shade. Mother Nature, or as i like to call her, Virgin Mary. it's not heresy, it's creative orthodoxy. the greeks invented lightning because they wanted to explain where Zeus came from. if you ride the lightning it may drive you nuts and bolts want an insight? close your eyes. perhaps i will chance upon luck